
Professional House Cleaning and Maid Services in Phoenix, AZ 85050, January Cleaning Newsletter, Maid Services

Professional Maid Services and House Cleaning Services in Phoenix, AZ 85050.  Contact Mari's Cleaning Services to see just how affodable this service can be.

The Newsletter That’s Both Informative and Fun!

Volume 1, Issue 1

January 2013

How to keep your New Year resolutions

If you want to succeed at changing yourself, you are going to need willpower.

The authors of "Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength" say it will be easier if you understand how willpower works.

Roy F Baumeister and John Tierny write that self-control (or willpower) takes a toll on your physical self. If you spend time resisting temptation, you'll be spent and vulnerable to the very temptations you resisted. Every effort at controlling your emotions, temptations and behavior drains your mind of willpower.

If you want to make willpower work for you, makes sure you get plenty of mental and physical rest.

You can help yourself by doing certain things too. If you are on a diet, you can plan ahead as to what you will do when confronted with a buffet (I'll eat the grilled chicken but not the cake). You can promise yourself cake later (I'll have a piece but not today).

Getting rid of household germs can help you avoid colds, and more

The word is out about hand washing. If you do it right and often, you can get rid of bacteria that could make you sick. But attacking germs where you pick them up makes it less likely you'll get them on your hands in the first place.

In the kitchen: Sink handles, sinks, and counters are the biggest offenders. Clean sinks, sink drains, and counters with antibacterial soap at least once a day. Wash your sponge in the dishwasher to kill germs.

Fresh vegetables and fruits: They may carry salmonella, campylobacter, or E. coli, say microbiologists at New York University. Rinse them thoroughly.

In the laundry: Add bleach to a load of white clothes that includes underwear. It kills virtually all of the germs on underwear so they don't spread. Move the load immediately to the dryer and dry at a high temperature.

In the bathroom: Use a disinfecting cleaner on the bathtub weekly. If someone with a skin infection uses the tub, wash it with bleach right away so you don't pick up the germs.

Shared devices: Use antibacterial cleaner frequently on telephones, TV remotes, door handles, and shared keyboards, especially if someone in the household has an illness.

It's that time again. As we look back on 2012 with contemplation and look forward to 2013 with joy, hopes and plans, we hope to make it a special year for ourselves, our families, and our work.

We all feel that we can make progress this year, in various aspects of our lives.

Nationally, we look for better times as the nation's leaders work to solve our country's economic problems.

For our company, the new year should bring better things, both for the bottom line and for everyone involved in getting us there.

We thank you for your work in the year just passed. As we work together, next year will be even better.

The month of January is dedicated to the promotion of healthy vision. We can start by protecting our eyes with sunglasses when we're outdoors, goggles whenever we're mowing the lawn or using machinery, and, yes, by eating carrots. Carrots contain beta-carotene that helps guard night vision and protection against macular degeneration.

Even if you don't need glasses, an eye exam can help the doctor suggest treatment for problems like eyestrain and headaches. Staring at computers, TV screens and handheld devices intensifies these symptoms.

Early AMD: Signs of age-related macular degeneration can be seen many years before vision is affected. Doctors may recommend vitamins C, A and E, or lutein, to slow or prevent AMD.

Presbyopia: the slow loss of ability to see close objects or small print, usually beginning at about age 40. A correct eyeglass prescription is important at this point.

Floaters: tiny spots that float across our field of vision. Although they aren't usually a sign of trouble, in rare cases they can be a warning sign of retinal detachment.

Dry eyes: occur when our tear glands don't make enough tears; can cause itching, burning, or some loss of vision. Eye drops may help, but an exam may reveal Sjogren's Syndrome, an autoimmune disease that has white blood cells attacking moisture-producing glands. Four million Americans have it.

Cataracts: cloudy areas in part or all of the eye lens that keep light from passing through the lens, causing loss of eyesight. They form slowly and can usually be removed by surgery.

Glaucoma: too much fluid pressure inside the eye. The cause is unknown, but it can often be controlled and blindness prevented. There are no early warning signs.

Conjunctivitis: occurs when tissues that line the eyelids and cover the cornea become inflamed, causing itching, burning, tearing, or a feeling of something in the eye.

Vision checks often cost less than $40 and may be covered by insurance. Clinics may provide free checkups in January.

 In honor of National Eye Care Month schedule checkups for the family

Technology and you - Tips to guess a password

Bad guys have lots of ways to guess your password and most of them are pretty simple:

They try the name of your kid, spouse, pet and combine it with your birthday or your anniversary and you get a typical combo: jason1981. Goodbye identity!

If that doesn't work, they run the dictionary. If your password equals any word in the dictionary, you are owned.

Do you fall into these categories? Really, do you? Because if your identity, computer, credit card, bank account, have not been hijacked yet, it is a matter of time.

To protect yourself try some ideas like this:

Go long: Long passwords are just hard to crack. Use 25 letters and numbers. You can use a favorite phrase (as long as it isn't on Facebook) and mix it up a little. Add some numbers and a top keyboard character.

Go visual: Look at your keyboard and trace a pattern on the keys such as a WV. The numbers in your trace are your password.

Combine familiar things with numbers and characters. The initials of your kids separated by two or three memorable numbers, so long as those numbers are not your address or birthday.


... someone that could use our services? Perhaps a friend, family member, co-worker, or someone from church?

When a new client signs up for regular cleaning services at your recommendation; you will receive $50 off your next cleaning after their 3rd cleaning!

If you would think of 3 or 4 people that could use our services, then don’t hesitate to call them and give them our name and phone number. Be sure to have them mention your name when they call you can receive your bonus!

Thank you in advance for your help and we look forward to sending you your discount!

Thanks a Bunch!

Fruit, vegetable consumption

Americans still aren't eating enough vegetables and fruits, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Their Healthy People 2010 targets call for 75 percent of Americans to eat at least two daily fruit servings and 50 percent to eat three or more vegetables per day. But only a third of Americans are eating enough fruit, and about half are eating three vegetables a day.

A 2009 CDC study shows orange juice to be the most popular fruit item, and potatoes are the most popular vegetable, but many of those potatoes are eaten as french fries.


Did you know that using Body Wash

Instead of Bar soap

Will eliminate your soap scum

In showers and tubs?

Fruit, vegetable consumption

 Americans still aren't eating enough vegetables and fruits, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Their Healthy People 2010 targets call for 75 percent of Americans to eat at least two daily fruit servings and 50 percent to eat three or more vegetables per day. But only a third of Americans are eating enough fruit, and about half are eating three vegetables a day.

A 2009 CDC study shows orange juice to be the most popular fruit item, and potatoes are the most popular vegetable, but many of those potatoes are eaten as french fries.

House Cleaning in Phoenix, AZ 85050

Maid Services in Phoenix, AZ 85050

Housekeeping in Phoenix, AZ 85050