
Phoenix, AZ , Tips on Shower Care & Cleaning, House Cleaning services


Tips on Shower Care and Cleaning in Phoenix,AZ, Maid Services


Here are five tips for proper shower care. The thing about a shower is that we think about it getting us clean. How do we get it clean though? When you walk down the isle at your local store you can easily find 20 shower cleaners, tools, etc. So what do you really want to use on your shower? That is the question!

Depending on what type of tile you have in your shower, or if you have some other type of shower lining, will make the largest amount of difference on what you should be using inside of the shower.


Here are some tips that will get your shower cleaning power up with the best of all cleaners.

  1. Shower care should be a weekly cleaning, and even using a shower spray for in between good cleanings is a good idea. Nationally there are about 30% of all Americans that clean their showers one time per month. That is a bad number for healthy bodies.
  2. Not only is it bad for your body, but also it makes it very difficult to get the shower clean after the dirt, grim, and buildup has sat and absorbed into the tub and shower tiles.
  3. The shower sprays that are simply applied after a shower once per day sort of thing, is a really great way to save for the hassle of scrubbing if your time restraints in life will not allow scrubbing more often.
  4. Next you will want to look for the cleaners that do it all in one. The all in one cleaner that work within the grout, on the tile, and other shower surfaces will be faster. The lime scale, soap scum, mold and mildew etc all will need to be cleaned in order to have a good affect in the shower. Therefore the cleaner you use will need to clean all of that.
  5. Remember that all bathroom cleaners are relatively rough on your skin. Therefore it will be a good idea to make sure and use good rubber gloves before you put your hands in the cleaner.
  6. Always start your cleaning and cleaner from the top of the shower, to the bottom of the shower. This is just a general rule that is used in cleaning any part of your home. The reason is that you will find that the dripping cleaner and water will take dirt down. Therefore if you clean the bottom and then the top, you will need to clean the bottom again from the streaks that will occur.
  7. Use a small hand container that will hold the cleaner you need, your scrubbing tools etc. This will make for a faster process, and easier cleaning.
  8. Often times you will want to see if there are stains from an extra dirty shower. It is not a bad idea to clean this up sooner than later. The reason is, that it will not have time to set into the grout and tile or tub.
  9. The magic erasers that are out there are also great ways to care for your shower. This can be used in many cases instead of some of the harsher cleaners. It is a good idea to see if they will work for your cleaning needs.
  10. Finally make sure to rinse all cleaners off of your shower after you use them. This helps to remove any unneeded build up.

Following these tips for proper shower care is going to help a great deal in the long run. Keep in mind that once per month shower cleaning really is not ideal. Shower spray and a weekly cleaning will help a great deal.