
House Cleaning in Laveen, AZ, How to clean Marble, Maid Services


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Cleaning marble 101

Marble is a delicate material to clean, and should be treated as such. The truth is, you won't find a nicer surface for a floor, counter top, etc. then marble, and if treated with care, it will last a lifetime. The following is what you should know about cleaning marble, a cleaning marble 101:

First the No-no's: Never use any acids on a marble surface. That means anything acidic at all, so, no lemon juice, vinegar, or grout cleaners. Acid will weaken the marble, kill the sheen, and make it not nearly as beautiful. Marble is a gorgeous surface, so do not ruin it. Never use bleach on a marble surface. Be very careful to use anything that is too alkali. These too can weaken and break down the surface of the marble. Never scrub any marble with a scouring pad, especially not a metal scouring pad. It will damage it. The small pieces from the scouring pad will stick to the marble and rust, so your marble will show extensive rust staining. The only way to get rust stains out of marble is to resurface it, and that is super expensive. So, do not risk it, the cost will be burdensome, and is easily avoided.

 Never think that an acid etch will clean the marble - it will not, and will damage the marble.  Never try to seal your marble, it does not absorb anything, so it does not need to be sealed. Avoid spilling things on your marble, such as your perfume, mouthwash, etc. Sometimes the typical products you use in your house, bathroom, kitchen, etc. can damage marble, so be careful to not spill, and if you do wipe it up right away so that it does not have a chance to hurt your marble.

What you should do: You will find that a low foaming detergent based around d-limonene will clean marble quite effectively. Just use a solution mixed with warm water, and use a nice rag or cloth that will pick up a lot. Just be sure to use the right solution. Use a very dilute detergent solution to clean your floor. You are going to dampen your rag, not soak it, you do not want to be mopping up liquid on your. So, dampen your rag with a dilute solution and go over your marble. You will want to rinse the surface after you clean it. Then let it dry.  If you notice the floor or countertop surface is not as shiny as you would like, consider polishing it up with a dry cloth. Gently buff out any problems. A lot of times this is all it takes. After washing, consider drying your marble by hand to add luster and shine. Use extra care if the marble is pitted or has lost it' shine - this means it needs re-polishing and that is a specialist job. Do not hire someone who says they know how to re-polish, hire a professional, it will be worth it. Marble subject to heavy wear should always be impregnated.

When you clean marble just remember that it will last you forever as long as you use the right cleaner. You will want something that is designed specifically for marble, or just use a mild dishwasher soap diluted with water. The biggest mistake you can make it to use something that will damage your marble. Marble is expensive and beautiful, so treat it well and enjoy it forever!

Posted by DF on October 8, 2007 07:41 AM | Permalink


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