Affordable, Professional House Cleaning and Maid Services in Laveen, AZ. Contact Mari for your free estimate.

The Quickest Way To Clean A Toilet
How many times in your life have you cleaned a toilet? Once? Twice? 500 times? Have you thought about the quickest and most efficient way to do it? We have, and will share it with you here! This method will cut down on the time you spend at the toilet and give you more time to do...just about anything else you'd rather be doing.
Must Have Tools!
One of the questions we're asked most often is, "How do I get that ugly ring out of the bathroom toilet bowl?" The answer is a pumice stick. It's remarkable how fast it removes scale, rust, hard water and mineral deposits from porcelain without scratching the surface. Just wet the ring, rub the pumice stick on it gently, and the ring is GONE! Pumice Stick
Pumice Stick
You can pay a lot for some pretty racy toilet brushes, or you can get some bristles wired together on a stick that's certain to scratch the porcelain or you could use the same brush The Clean Team uses!
Toilet Brush & Holder
Train your staff like a pro! Give them the Perfect Maintenance Cleaning Speed Cleaning For The Pros Employee Training Manual.
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