
Residential House Cleaning in Peoria, AZ, How to Clean Stove Burners, Maid Services

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How to Clean Stove Burners & Start Cooking Again

A clean stove for an at-home chef is like a new canvas to an inspired artist. It’s exciting and leads to a beautiful masterpiece.

So don’t hold back on your cooking creativity because of burnt grease or food stains. Use these sure-fire tips to remove stains from your stove top burners right now and celebrate by cooking up something creative this weekend.

First step.

Forget the elbow grease! And don’t spend countless dollars on ineffective solutions. Follow and share these time saving tips that require little to no sweat equity.

Assess the mess.

Which parts of the stove have the burnt food and grease affected? Are they removable? If so, go ahead and remove them from your stove top. Unfortunately, this cleaning method will not work if you’re using an electric burners.

Consider the appearance of your stove.

Is it stainless steel or enamel? Will it scratch easily? If so, put away the abrasive scrub brush to avoid ruining your stove top.

Clean and deodorize the burner plates.

A simple yet strong product like Cloralex 3 in 1 Power Bleach will clean away remaining food and grease from your burners while leaving behind a pleasant aroma to make your kitchen smell and look great.

Final To Do: Clean the burnt food from stove burners immediately after each mean in order to start fearless experiments with new recipes whenever inspiration strikes

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